

Mass Schedule


Saturday  4:00PM (English) 
6:00PM (Spanish)
Sunday  8:30 & 11:00AM

Daily Masses
Monday  9:30AM
Tuesday Communion Service 9:30AM
Wednesday  6:00PM
Thursday & Friday  9:30AM


Saturday: 3:15 - 3:45PM

Saturday: 5:30 - 5:45PM

Wednesday & Friday

(at the start of Adoration)


First Friday 10am-8am First Saturday

Wednesday after 6pm Mass

Friday after 9:30am Mass

Welcome, Pilgrims of Hope!

¡Bienvenidos, Peregrinos de la Esperanza!

Jubilee 2025 is proclaimed by Pope Francis
El Jubileo 2025 fue proclamado por el Papa Francisco

A Jubilee Year is a special year of grace in the Catholic Church. It is a year of remission of sins, debts, and universal pardon.

Un Año Jubilar es un año especial de gracia en la Iglesia Católica. Es un año de remisión de pecados, deudas y perdón universal.

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upcoming events

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St. Ignatius 18th Annotation

The Return of Lenten Small Groups

St. Ignatius 18th Annotation

The Return of Lenten Small Groups

Consider joining a Lenten Small Group this year. We will be experiencing St. Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises (18th Annotation). Through prayerful reflection, this is a wonderful and easy way to grow in faith through the Lenten Season.

Pray. Read. Reflect. Discuss.

Each day you will receive a short Scripture passage to reflect on and once a week join others in a small group experience to share how the Spirit is moving in your life.

Groups can be in person or online this year and are offered in both English and Spanish. 

Contact Michael in the Faith Formation for more information.

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Parish Survey

We want your feedback!

Starting March 8th

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we need your participation with Parish Surveys.  These surveys are paramount to aiding Father and Church Leadership to serve our vibrant and ever-growing OLM community.

This survey provides an opportunity to reflect own your own personal spiritual journey and provide critical feedback on the efforts of the parish to aid you on that journey.

The surveys will take on average about 10-15 minutes to complete.  All responses are confidential.

You may take the survey online as linked below or download a form and fill it out manually.

Contact Michael for more information or questions.

Parish Survey Online Parish Survey Online Formulario en Papel Español Mẫu giấy Việt Nam
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Archbishop Annual Appeal

We Are One Body in Christ

“We, though many, are one body in Christ and individually parts of one another.” Romans 12:4-5 

As members of the Church, we are called to work together for the common good with each of us playing a vital role in the body of Christ. With this year’s appeal theme, "We Are One Body in Christ," we remember that the Archdiocese of Atlanta is a living example of this unity—one body made up of many faithful members, each essential to the vitality of the whole.

The Archbishop’s Annual Appeal is an annual year-long campaign to help fund the programs, ministries, offices, parishes, schools, missions and other services throughout the Archdiocese of Atlanta. 

Thanks to your generosity to the Annual Appeal, we can carry out the work of the Church throughout north and central Georgia by supporting our clergy, including seminarians and retired priests, forming faithful Catholics, caring for creation and community, and supporting the most vulnerable.

Contact Cathy for more information or visit the link below.

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