Celebrate the Eucharist at these Special Liturgies and Liturgical Eventsthis Lent!
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, March 5th, 9:30 am & 6 :30 pm
"Remember, Man is dust, and unto dust you shall return."
Ashes are a symbol of penance made sacramental by the blessing of the Church, and they help us develop a spirit of humility and sacrifice.
40 Hours Adoration and Parish Mission
Wednesday, March 5th - Friday, March 7th
Our Parish will have the opportunity to come together for the Parish Lenten Mission with the theme “In hope we are saved” (Romans 8:24). Father Peter Marsalek, SOLT, will help us with the reflections twice a day for the first three days of Lent:
Jubilee Year 2025 is also themed, “Pilgrims of Hope”, and Lent is the perfect time for us to reflect on this theological virtue. Our hope does not disappoint because it is based on God’s faithfulness as we make this pilgrimage towards heaven.
We are privileged to be helped by Father Marsalek as the director of this Parish Mission. He is a priest with the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, originally from Burlington, Ontario, Canada. Ordained a priest on January 28, 2005, Fr. Marsalek has served as an Associate Pastor of a parish in Rome, the Director of Religious Education for the Diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas, President of St. John Paul II High School, professor of dogmatic theology at Sts. Cyril and Methodius Seminary, rector of the SOLT house of studies, and currently serves as the General Priest Servant for the SOLT community. He obtained his doctorate in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. Prior to attending seminary, he graduated with a Masters degree in Civil Engineering from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and was a three time university tennis champion.
Solemnity of St. Joseph
Wednesday, March 19th at 6:00 pm
St. Joseph placed himself at the service of God’s plan of salvation. He cared for the Holy Family that God had entrusted to him. He became an attentive servant from the moment of the Annunciation, a provident servant in caring for Mary and the Child she carried in her womb. He defended the Holy Family in the moments of great danger. These are just a few of Saint Joseph’s traits that explain why the People of God are especially devoted to him.
In 1480, Pope Sixtus IV decreed that the Solemnity of St. Joseph to be celebrated on March 19th. It became obligatory with Pope Gregory XV in 1621. In 1870, Pope Pius IX declared Saint Joseph the Patron of the Universal Church, and Pope Saint John XXIII inserted his name into the Roman Canon of Holy Mass in 1962.
Come and Dine with Us!
Lenten Dinners
Come and bring your family to Lenten Dinners hosted by various ministries. Dinners are free, and all donations collected will be for a specific charity.
Fridays, March 14th - April 11th after 6 pm Stations of the Cross (Approximately 6:30 pm)
Grow in Faith and Improve your Relationship to Jesus!
St. Ignatius 18th Annotation
The Return of Lenten Small Groups
Consider joining a Lenten Small Group this year. We will be experiencing St. Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises (18th Annotation). This is a wonderful and easy way to grow in faith through the Lenten Season.
Pray. Read. Reflect. Discuss.
Each day you will receive a short Scripture passage to reflect on and once a week join others in a small group experience to share how the Spirit is moving in your life.
Groups can be in person or online this year and are offered in both English and Spanish.
Contact Michael in the Faith Formation offices or sign up after Mass on the weekend of March 1st & 2nd.
Pray with Us this Lent!
Stations of the Cross
Fridays at 6pm, March 14th-April 11th
Come reflect on the Sorrowful Passion of Our Lord Jesus. Do not forget this is followed by Lenten Dinners!
Living Stations of the Cross
Good Friday April 18th, at 3 pm
The OLM Youth will present the Living Stations of the Cross on Good Friday at 3PM in the Sanctuary. Please come and pray with us as we reflect upon the salvation won for us through Christ, our Lord, in his Passion and Death.
Consider these Activities this Lent!
TMIY: Lenten Program
Tuesdays at the Parish Hall at 6:30 am
That Man is You! honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive!
1908 Waleska Highway 108 Jasper, GA 30143
Website issues? Please email office@olmjasper.org
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